What Does the Future of Decentralized App Development Look Like Today?

The world is constantly moving towards the state of the art solutions, and that involves everything. Even the way we make and develop software solutions. One of those examples is decentralized apps or also known as DApps. Many are learning how to build a DApp because this technology is a game changer and can open possibilities that are way beyond imagination.

So, the question is, “What is The Future of Decentralized Apps?” While we cover that part, consider going towards decentralized app development and reading about it.


DApps – Worthy of Attention or Not?

So, what is DApp? Why People want to build a DApp. Is it worth it to go towards this solution? These are some of the questions that, if not answered, can leave you hanging in between.

For the first question, a decentralized app (DApp) is a distributed software app based on an open-source environment. The app runs on Peer To Peer (P2P) instead of a single computer. DApps are pretty similar to traditional apps. However, with decentralized apps, P2P is also involved.

Due to the decentralized nature, once a developer has released a version, other developers can build upon and improve the existing app. And, yes, multiple entities can control the app. These apps are not bound to a single user.

Many businesses are trying to build a DApp because it has advantages that are none like others. For instance, developers are trying to incorporate this technology in sectors like web browsing, games, and financial apps.

So, are they worth the attention? Our answer would be “Yes.” DApps are secure, have no controlling authority, and work like a charm. The pros/cons section given below will give detailed insight and will help in making an informed decision.

How Do DApps Work?

Whenever you want to build DApp, it is important to know how these apps work and what is involved. DApps are pretty similar to those web applications, with a slight touch of minor differences. Usually, there are three things involved.

Front-End User Interface

Like traditional apps, DApp also has a front-end UI. The Front-End UI can be of any type. However, the most common type is a front UI HTML page that incorporates Javascript for calling smart contracts. This is the same as a regular web app. And there is a choice to use any type of web framework, such as React.

Smart Contracts

I mentioned smart contracts in the above heading. Well, a smart contract is the one where the main magic happens. It is a program that uses the help of an Ethereum virtual machine and runs on it. The smart contract has a business logic that enables the backend to work. It is just like a simple code that is running on traditional servers.

Backend Decentralized Server

There is a backend server. A server can be made using languages such as Node.js or Ruby. It runs a local copy of the Ethereum client or API services such as Parity or Geth. This client is used to receiving blockchain elements and manipulating them accordingly.

Decentralized Apps – Pros and Cons

DApps are getting a lot of attention in the world of blockchain technology. But the question is, “Why are DApps getting that attention?” Here are the pros and cons of this technology.


Control of Privacy

As mentioned, DApps are decentralized. That means no single entity has control over this, resulting in complete control over privacy. It is not like centralized applications such as Facebook or Google, where a user has no control over his/her privacy once the data is handed over to the company.

Long Term Collaboration

Once developed, DApps are always there, even if the original developers are no longer available. No one can alter the terms and conditions. Moreover, these applications can be evolved in the future, allowing long-term collaboration.

More Resilient

One of the best reasons why businesses are learning how to create a DApp is that it is more resilient and less prone to hacker attacks. Since there are no central servers, hackers cannot attack the entity, and there are points of failure.

Low Operating/Maintaining Costs

With DApps, there is no need for high-end hardware infrastructure. That means there are no bills for electricity or expensive data centers. And that means there are fewer operating and maintenance costs.


No Entity is Responsible

Yes, no one is involved in DApps control. Yes, that is an advantage. But that is also a disadvantage. If a company leverages DApp in the wrong app, there is no one to track.

Chances of Consensus Failure

DApps work when there are a specific number of nodes. If that number is not met, there are chances of the app getting slower or crashing. Users will have to wait so that other nodes can join or have to find a solution to

Other Risks Involved

DApps are always depending on third-party services such as cloud storage. If such services go sideways, your decentralized application will not be accessible.

How to Build a DApp- Short Brief

Currently, there are many options available if you want to build a DApp. Every option out there demonstrates a different way to code and deploy the app. To get the most out of your DApp, it is important to follow the right steps. Here are the steps on how to build a DApp.

Decide What You Want to Make

The first step towards creating the right DApp is deciding what you want to build. Is it a game? Are you planning to launch a financial app? Or do you want to create a DApp that is for social media users?

Going through this and deciding what you want to create will put you ahead of your competitors. However, the idea is to select the right niche.

Do the Market Research

Now that you have decided on the niche, it is time to do a little market research. See whether there are any apps already available in the market. See, where are those apps lacking? Look at what the users are saying about those apps. Find a perfect solution.

Make a Prototype Version

After getting the answers from the market research, it is time to incorporate those and develop a prototype version. We recommend using clients such as Geth and Javascript. As for the back end, Node.Js is perfect. Once you have created a prototype, it is time to launch that into the market.

Get Considerations and Update the Prototype

The prototype, also known as the Beta version, will give users an idea of how the actual app will look. With the prototype, users can use the app and recommend how to improve the app. With these recommendations, developers can further optimize the app and create something that hasn’t been made before.

Release the DApp in the Market

Lastly, with all the recommendations and suggestions, you have to build a DApp that is perfect and does the work. Once that is done, it is time to release the DApp in the market and start working on marketing/improving future versions.


DApps are becoming game changers because these apps are decentralized, meaning you have complete control over your privacy. Since privacy is the biggest concern, entities like financial companies and the fitness industry are constantly incorporating DApp into their system. Learning how to build a DApp is the new norm, and everyone is doing it. So, we have compiled a complete guide on how to do that. We hope this guide will put you ahead of your competitors.

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